As of January 1st 2020, you won't find a single machine at Unitedprint anymore. The international online print shop Unitedprint is focusing fully on its core business, leaving all production to its production partners and thus consistently realizing its strategy. Supporting this strategic move Allaoui Graphic Machinery GmbH (AGM) has acquired the entire machinery park of unitedprint SE. The portfolio covers a wide range of machinery from pre press, press and post press. Highlights were 3 VLF Kodak CTP systems, 7 VLF cutting lines, 1 young Kolbus perfect binder and various VLF Printing presses with a total of 37 printing units of the type Heidelberg XL 162 and KBA Ra 142.
“Not everyone can handle such a large package. And it’s not enough if you only have the financial creditworthiness. You have to have the experience to market the machines in a targeted manner and to handle the entire process in a sensitive, planned and structured manner,” says Ammar Allaoui.
Allaoui Graphic Machinery GmbH (AGM) was responsible for the professional, smooth and reliable purchase of all offset printing machines including all technical equipment from’s analogue pre- and postpress area. The internationally operating machine specialist of the graphic industry from Aachen has access to a global network in more than 70 countries and, thanks to years of experience and proven expertise in this field, was able to implement such a major project to the highest satisfaction of all absolutely fairly and reliably. The team around Ammar Allaoui is able to market machines to suitable customers with competence and reliability.
René Winkler, member of the management board for IT/production/logistics at Unitedprint:
“With Allaoui Graphic Machinery, we had an extremely competent, cooperative and reliable partner at our side for this project at all times who fully met our requirements.

Part of the production area of unitedprint.
Read the english Version of the entire Interview with unitedprint SE CMO Fabian Frenzal "Web-to-print has not reached its full potential yet" at the following link: