Allaoui Graphic Machinery GmbH (AGM) delivers the country's first Heidelberg XL 75 equipped with a FoilStar to Pakistan and successfully commissions it. The packaging printer Vantage Printers in Lahore had already started talks with AGM in January 2020 to modernize its pressroom, but postponed this until the end of 2020 due to the pandemic. The timing was perfect then: AGM had the Heidelberg XL 75-6+LYYL (F), which is specially suited for label and packaging printing, available at the Aachen Lifecycle Center, so the initial consultation discussions quickly turned into a contract with Vantage Printers. Delivery, installation, commissioning and 14 days of training were carried out by AGM staff in cooperation with Heidelberg Pakistan to the customer's complete satisfaction.

We wish Vantage Printers lots of success with this strategic and future-oriented investment !

Printing Instructor of Allaoui Graphic Machinery after successful hand over to the production Manager of Vantage Printers.